Thriller - Live is a stage and video spectacular celebrating the legendary career of the king of pop - Michael Jackson. The show features over 20 performers, with a full company of singers, dancers and a live band to celebrate the music of Michael Jackson and The Jackson 5. To bring to life on stage the distinctive dancing and sound of many of pops greatest hits, Thriller - Live includes eye-popping video footage and special effects together with dazzling choreography by the shows award-winning director Gary Lloyd and additional choreography by five-time MTV award-winning LaVelle Smith Jnr and Kerys Nathan.Thriller - Live features over two-hours of hit songs including I Want You Back, Ill Be There, Show You The Way To Go, Can You Feel It, Rock With You, Shes Out Of My Life, Thriller, Beat It, Ben, ABC, Man in the Mirror, Dirty Diana, Billie Jean, Earth Song and many more. Please note: Final show times are subject to change and specific cast members cannot be guaranteed for every performance. London Theatre Breaks make a fantastic memorable treat for all the family.
Thriller - Live Theatre breaks by train ...
Make it easy on yourself and take a theatre break by train. Our train prices are very competitive so after you have picked the hotel for your theatre break, click on the "Add a rail journey" link in the "Optional Extras" section.
You will be speeding your way to Thriller - Live before you know it and you'll avoid the congestion charges too! (Train journeys are supplied by a number of different operators).
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